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The University of Burgos participates in the V SUPERTABI International Meeting 2020

23 Sep 2020

The conclusions of the debate focus on the importance of teacher training and student training in the use of new technologies and active teaching methodologies

Organized by the Universidad do Minho, the Municipal Chamber da Maia and the collaboration ofCIEd da Universidade do Minho, the CFAE maiatrofa, and the DA FAPEMAIA e da Make it Pedagogical, in September and in a virtual way, the DATAHES Research Group actively participates in the V SUPERTABI International Meeting 2020.

This international meeting aims to present practical and novel experiences in teaching from the application of technological resources and data analysis at all educational levels. The conclusions of the discussion have focused on the importance of teacher training and student training in the use of new technologies and active teaching methodologies, project-based learning, in order to achieve motivating teaching and the development of effective learning that prevents abandonment and provides the student with personalized, autonomous and effective learning.

The research group at Data Analysis Techniques Applied in Health Environments Sciences (DATAHES) is an interdisciplinary and interuniversity group in the areas of knowledge of Evolutionary Psychology and Education, the Area of Personality, Psychological Assessment and Treatment, Medicine, and Computer Engineering.

This group develops its research activity in four areas of research in the application of machine learning techniques and the study of the use of active methodologies in health science and engineering degrees, as well as the results of the evaluation of different disabilities at ages 0-6 years, the use of metacognitive strategies in different groups (Secondary Education , Higher Education and at ages 0-6 years) and major emotional disorders in different groups (children, youth and adults), in all cases in order to implement intervention programs. Likewise, he has started working in collaboration with members of the ADMIRABLE group of the design of computer applications aimed at evaluation in areas of development 0-6 years and personalized proposal of intervention programs.

This meeting, which will end on September 26th and can be followed by the Youtube channel, the professor at the University of Burgos Consuelo Sáiz Manzanares gave the lecture "Self-regulated Learning in SmartArt: a proposal for teaching innovation in 21st century society", which has concerned the use of technological resources in regulated and unregulated university teaching. In particular, this teacher focused on its use in the development of materials for the learning of Art History. These materials are being developed within the European project "Self-Regulated Learning in SmartArt Erasmus+ Adult Education" (SmartArt 2019-1-ES01-KA204-065615)" co-financed by the European Union by Erasmus+ and led by the University of Burgos and include Self-Regulated Learning techniques to assist in the acquisition of metacognitive strategies that together with technological resources (Virtual Learning Environment, avatars, eye-tracking technology, etc.) and Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining techniques will provide the teacher with knowledge of the patterns of learning your students, which will enable the development of personalized and effective learning.

This work is carried out interdisciplinaryly between the research groups participating in this project, Recognized Research Groups (GIR) of the University of Burgos, DATAHES, ADMIRABLE and BEST-AI and the GIR No. 179 of the UVA and GIR ADIR of the University of Oviedo together with the CIEd - Investigação em Educação Center of the University of Minho (Portugal).

The results of this collaboration have resulted in 10 scientific articles in the first quartiles in the indexed journals WOS and SCOPUS over the past three years.

PhD. Sáiz-Manzanares' exhibition has been followed by more than 2623 participants in the V Meeting.